UAE to Lift Visa Ban on Nigerian Nationals

Nigeria's Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development recently shared some uplifting news: the United Arab Emirates (UAE) will soon lift the visa ban on Nigerian nationals. This marks a significant development in the travel dynamics between the two countries and promises to strengthen their bilateral relations.

Background of the Travel Ban

In October 2022, the UAE introduced a travel ban affecting Nigeria and 19 other African countries, causing major disruptions for both travellers and businesses. Following this, Emirates Airlines suspended its operations in Nigeria, citing challenges with transferring ticket sales funds.

Optimistic Outlook from Nigerian Authorities

  • The Nigerian minister, in an optimistic statement, announced that an official declaration concerning the visa situation is on the horizon. He emphasised the robust relationship between Nigeria and the UAE, noting that the UAE is a crucial ally for Nigeria.
  • This bond is reflected in the mutual interests and significant investments shared by the two nations. Authorities also pointed out that efforts are underway to reopen the air route and simplify the visa application process for Nigerian citizens, aiming to make travel between the two countries more straightforward and accessible.

Resumption of Emirates Airlines Flights

Moreover, Emirates Airlines has confirmed that it will resume daily flights between Lagos and Dubai starting October 1, 2024. This is a promising development for both business and leisure travellers who have faced disruptions due to the ban. The Deputy President and Chief Commercial Officer at Emirates expressed his gratitude to the Nigerian government for their cooperation and support in resolving the issues that led to the flight suspension.

Increased Security Measures

While these positive changes are being implemented to ease Nigerian travel, UAE authorities have increased security checks at airports due to a rise in detentions.

In 2023, over 134 million passengers passed through UAE airports, with expectations that this number will grow to 140 million in 2024.

A New Chapter in Bilateral Relations

The removal of the visa ban and the restart of flights mark a new beginning in Nigeria-UAE relations, offering improved travel opportunities and strengthening the connection between the two countries.


The UAE lifting the visa ban on Nigerians is great news for both countries. Emirates Airlines will also restart flights between Lagos and Dubai, making travel easier. This change will strengthen the relationship between Nigeria and the UAE and open up more travel and business opportunities.


  • What prompted the UAE to lift the visa ban on Nigerian nationals?

The decision to lift the visa ban on Nigerian nationals was influenced by ongoing diplomatic discussions and efforts to strengthen bilateral relations between Nigeria and the UAE. Both countries recognised the importance of fostering mutual interests and investments, leading to this positive development.

  • When will the visa ban be officially lifted?

While an official date has not yet been announced, Nigeria's Minister of Aviation and Aerospace Development has indicated that an official declaration will likely be made soon.

  • Will the visa application process change for Nigerian citizens once the ban is lifted?

Nigerian citizens' visa application process may undergo adjustments post-ban lift to streamline and speed up the visa issuance process.

  • How will increased airport security measures in the UAE affect Nigerian travellers?

UAE authorities have increased security checks at airports in response to a rise in detentions. Nigerian travellers, like all passengers, may experience more thorough security screenings. These measures are in place to ensure the safety and security of all travellers passing through UAE airports.

  • How can travellers stay updated on the latest developments regarding the visa ban and flight resumptions?

Travellers are encouraged to monitor official announcements from the Nigerian Ministry of Aviation and Aerospace Development, Emirates Airlines, and relevant UAE authorities. Additionally, staying informed through reputable news sources and government websites will ensure travellers have the most current information.

  • What happens if my passport with my visa is lost or stolen?

If your passport with your visa is lost or stolen, you must report it and apply for replacements immediately. Follow the guidelines provided by your local consulate or embassy for lost travel documents.

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